The last week of TDF, the spinning picked up! I actually got quite a lot done and I'm really happy with the results :) Lots of different techniques, colours and fibres made for a very busy but enjoyable week.
Home » July 2015
This week's been fairly quiet... At least on the yarn front! I've been running around like a crazy woman, sorting out ID numbers and social security and bank accounts, not to mention viewing various flats around Barcelona. We actually saw one near the Santa Maria del Mar church - great location - that had zero windows. Not. A. Single. Window. I don't know how the tenants there deal with the humidity, and I don't even want to think about what happens inside the sweatbox when someone has too many beans on their toast in the morning. No escape.
Anyway! This week's project has been more spindle spinning at the mister's house, and working on Pigging Out, my combo spin of Cherry Bakewell and Pigs. By the end of Friday 17th, the end of the second week, I'd make a good start on the braid of Pigs, but not much more! Time for some more gratifying spins to finish up the last week, something nice and quick and chunky I think.
Everything is ready: an overflowing stash, a nicely oiled wheel, empty spindles... I'm ready to go! I'm part of the Fondant Fibre team this year, my first TdF, so I'm spinning predominantly FF fibre, with possibly some Spin City or some Nunoco, maybe some Countess Ablaze if I run out of FF or if I just fancy a change. I'll be spinning mostly on Zelda, my Ashford electric spinner, though weekends I'll be spindle spinning because that's when I'm at my boyfriend's place and Zelda is just too clunky to move back and forth!
The Tour guidelines are as follows:
- Spin every day the Tour rides, if possible. Saturday July 4 through Sunday July 26th. Days of rest: Monday, July 13th and Tuesday, July 21st. (Just like the actual tour.)
- Spin something challenging on the challenge day (usually the toughest high mountain stage: this year, it’s Stage 18, on Thursday, July 23rd, when they will climb 5 mountains, including the 1,924m high Col du Glandon).
- Wear yellow on Sunday July 26th to announce victory. Why not wear yellow on any day you feel particularly successful? (Yellow is the color of the race leader in the Tour - but here we are all ‘race leaders’) Other colors if desired: Green (sprinter - think FAST), Polka-dot (climber - as in uphill), and white (rookie).
My own personal goals:
- Spin at least 30 minutes each day, Saturday 4th to Saturday 26th
- Take a rest day 13th and 21st
- Post a weekly update on the blog, showing work in progress and finished handspun
- Post in the Ravelry group for my team - Team Fondant Fibre!
- Challenge: spinning punis backwards long draw - I find this difficult and want to practice more!
And with all that said: ready, set, spin! :)
So, here we are! It's already July, Tour de Fleece is starting tomorrow, and I've got a pile of handspun skeins that are yet to be photographed and written about. As it happens, June has just been insane. The school year finished so the girls were driving me crazy occupying more of my time; I've been job hunting and filling in applications and doing online tests and attending interviews left right and centre; and although weekends are my prime spinning time, it's also the only time I have to spend with my boyfriend lately. So! As a result, these lovely handspun skeins have been languishing in the cupboard, waiting for some attention.
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