After a rainy start to the weekend, the sunshine came back! This weekend has been nothing but gorgeous - a little chilly, a little windy, but somehow a little bit of sun makes Barcelona come alive.
On Saturday, I met up with Emma and Querube for a little wander, and a very big gossip. We ended up in Alsur Cafe in Born (because the waitress at the Palau branch holds a strong disdain for Q and it's generally quite awkward) and had a delicious brunch, and too much coffee. The place itself is fantastic - squishy cushions everywhere, soft lighting, bare brick wall... It's cosy and modern at the same time and it makes you feel at home. It was unbelievably nice to just sit and talk for hours. Even when the power suddenly went out, the staff brought candles and no one batted an eyelid! Spaniards are so relaxed about everything...
We popped into Wawas, a small shop with adorable gifts and homewares, where I bought a few postcards with typical Catalan recipes - I haven't sent any through Postcrossing recently so these will be just perfect :)
I was woken up today by a little knock on my door - Cloe had brought me breakfast in bed! A chocolate croissant (crusan! - so adorable) and a strawberry. A very welcome treat indeed.
Now, for me, a typical Sunday looks like this:
I love nothing more than a lazy day each week to slob about in my pyjamas and knit or spin in bed. Today, I decided to get my butt into gear and go for a walk - of course, I ended up on the beach. On a chilly Sunday, Masnou becomes a bit of a ghost town. There's something incredibly cathartic about standing on the sand and watching the waves. I had my braided wrap cowl on (made from Countess Ablaze pencil roving in King in the East) to keep me warm from the wind, and I just sat down and watched the mesmerising back and forth of the water. It was wonderful. My bum got a bit damp from the sand, but hey - you win some you lose some!
When the sun hits the narrow streets, Masnou sings. Well, not literally, that would be weird. The buildings look so bright and beautiful, you can't help but stop and have a look. It seems strange to think it's only February, when the town looks so warm and welcoming.
Even the train station is lovely - you can't mind waiting for the train when you get this view in exchange :)
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