On Monday, the weather cleared up nicely. Still a little cloudy, but the sun was so desperately trying to break through that we got a few rays here and there. I was working during the day (I live for the lunchtime school runs) but we managed to get together for one last dinner before the Doks headed home.

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After Saturday spent eating, drinking, and wandering around... we did the exact same thing on Sunday. The lovely part about having seen all the major sights already was that we could wander wherever, with no time pressures, no rush to see anything specific... Just spending time together and talking about anything and everything.

This post is photo heavy!

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Mama and Papa Doks lead pretty busy lives. They're either out at the gym, or at a zumba class, playing cards, enjoying dinner with friends, various parties and get togethers, weekends away, barbecuing, watching the opera, or entertaining guests, or even catching up on a million TV shows they've got recorded. As such, it was tricky finding a weekend that would work for a quick trip to Barcelona to see their favourite (read: only) daughter, but somehow we managed, and all had a really fantastic few days.

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Well, this weekend was super happy and super sad at the same time. I spent a great weekend with all the girls - drinking, dancing, gossiping and brunching - to celebrate Emma's last weekend in Barcelona. She's moved back to Wisconsin (cheese state, can I get a what what!) to go to college and see her family and generally get her shit together after Barcelona Baby-adulthood, and we're really, really going to miss her.

The sheep is Pam. Named after the fabulous Pam Poovey. Bear claw rawr-rawr!

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I recently treated myself to some goodies from Hilltop Cloud - a shop I'd been ogling for a long time, but never ended up buying anything for some reason. I bought Imbolc and The Valleys, as well as a little wooden WPI gauge. My lovely little parcel arrived on the same day as the gorgeous invitation for my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary party that's happening this May. Everyone's super-mega-excited and scrambling to find an outfit - the whole family will be there (and my granddad is one of ten children so that's a lot of cousins and second cousins...) and you gotta look your best!

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I'm living in the Temple of Disease and Pestilence. A couple weeks ago, Littlest Bug had chicken pox, closely followed by stomach flu (let me tell you, you can never quite unsee the moment when something so little manages to barf up the Pacific Ocean...). Everything seemed fine... until the early hours of Friday morning, when all hell broke loose. Stomach flu snuck up on me, and made its surprise appearance very well known by 3am. Bigger Bug now has chicken pox. And Littlest Bug is battling another round of bronchitis. Basically, a terrible weekend had by all.

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