After Saturday spent eating, drinking, and wandering around... we did the exact same thing on Sunday. The lovely part about having seen all the major sights already was that we could wander wherever, with no time pressures, no rush to see anything specific... Just spending time together and talking about anything and everything.
This post is photo heavy!
We started the day off with a walk through Born, stopping off at a little art gallery with gorgeous handmade multi-dimensional pictures, a little train set that zoomed around the ceiling, and very graphic pornographic bookmarks that I wanted to get for Mama... but she said no. Desperate for coffee, we made our way to Alsur Cafe where the Doks indulged in cappucinos and cortados, and I got a carrot-orange-mint juice which was super refreshing.
As luck would have it, there was a little parade going on in Placa de Sant Jaume as we were passing through - my parents got to see very typical Catalan gegants i capgrossos, or, huge paper mache puppets that dance around, as well as a team of people making a castell, or literally a human"castle". It's very typical to see around here - as soon as there's a festival going on, people just start climbing up and making human towers. The littlest ones are sent right to the top, which is both totally adorable and really quite frightening...
We had a quick lunch of arepas in La Taguara (totally delicious, as usual, and totally messy with bean-juice dripping everywhere, as usual), before popping into a bakery and grabbing some yummy flaky almond and pine nut bread/biscuit/baked good that I'm not sure how to classify. We wandered down to the Parc de Ciutadella and munched on the biscuit/bread, washed down with a few claras, while we watched a big group of dogs playing on the grass. (Group? Herd? After looking it up, it's a "pack" of dogs and now it seems obvious and I feel really silly). One particularly cheeky cocker spaniel ran up and stared at everyone's food until she was shooed by her owner - though not without one last wistful look at the sandwiches and crisps and delicious people food.
Did you know there are parrots in Barcelona? Well, there are. Like, a whole ton. A few weeks ago, Thing 1 noticed a whole bunch (wait - flock? Oh, it's actually company/pandemonium and that's just odd) of parrots sitting in a tree on the way to Thing 2's daycare. There are even more in the parks in the city; we could hear them squawking non-stop, and even managed to get a lovely close look.
By this time, it was probably about 4pm, and we'd not had anything to eat or drink for almost an entire half hour - desperate times call for desperate measures and we popped into a little churreria for some churros y chocolate (or xurros amb xocolata if you want to get all Catalan about it), and then a pit stop in Mamaine for beers, sangrias, mojitos, and mountains of complimentary popcorn.
As if that wasn't enough! We had dinner in Palosanto, a gorgeously tiny little restaurant in Raval. Delicious food at really reasonable prices - the meatballs, croquetas and chicken fingers are all highly recommended - and the best part? Crayons and sketchbooks while you wait :)
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