I've been meaning to post this for a long, long time. But then I was moving house... And the lack of internet made it impossible... And then I started working... And then it seemed like TDF was all too far away for it to matter anymore. But, really, when I think about it, why should three weeks of solid effort be ignored? So here's what I managed to chuck together this year :)

Pigging Out was my mix of Pigs by Countess Ablaze and Cherry Bakewell by Fondant Fibre. I got 530m of a light fingering weight, with a good chunk of the Pigs single that's still languishing on a bobbin somewhere...

Ida was a basic chunky single, chain plied. Super soft and a lovely lustre.

New Orleans was the third instalement of the FF Jazz Club. This was my first chain-plied thick and thin - it's such a lovely and quick spin, and you end up with a lovely, squishy, floofy yarn that you just pet like a cat.

Popsicle was a purchase on a whim - a gorgeous mix of grey and pastel pink and mint and bright yellow, with a little sparkle. Another extreme thick and thin, chain plied for pockets of super puffy fluffy goodness. 

I'd spun up some of my Moonshine Falkland months back - chain-plied - and decided to stick to singles this time round. 477m of a lovely, fine yarn that would look stunning as a shawl one day.

I'd had these Dovedale rolags since I'd started spinning. It was my first "real" wool purchase, over a year ago. I spun them long-draw, and chain plied for a lovely thick but soft yarn.

I split up my Rooster batts from Nunoco into a gradient from orange, through brown through blue-green, and chain plied the singles to keep the colourway intact.

I also did a couple of little single-afternoon-spins - some of the mini batts from Nunoco's Incense Smorgasbox. The first was Opium - a wonderful mix of pink, green and purple; the second was Sandalwood, a browny-orangey purple.

Total weight: 930g
Total yardage (metre-age?) 1,883m

Not bad for a newbie - next year's aims are at least 2,500m :)

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