A big adéu to 2015, and a big bon dia to 2016 :)
I hope you all had a wonderful year, and a great New Year's Eve - we went to see the fireworks at Plaça Espanya (amazing!) and I've spent the morning crocheting a baby hat and photographing some hand carded rolags.
I've had a little think about 2016 and what I want to achieve... I've seen people with things like "30 pairs of handknitted socks this year!" and as much as I'd love to do that, I'm a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally slow sock knitter so it would just be impossible to even attempt it...
So, with that said, here are my resolutions for the coming year:
- Knit four pairs of socks
- Knit the Seashore jumper
- Tour de Fleece 2016
- Launch the Spindles and Stitches shop (hopefully around Feb/March - stay tuned!)
- Buy a blending board
- Knit at least one item with handspun yarn
And, now, off to do some packaging and maybe give the spinning wheel its first spin of the year :)