How quickly time flies - it seems like only a few weeks ago that I was preparing my "Welcome 2016" flatlay and pondering over my goals and aspirations for the coming year. 12 months later, so much has happened!
So, what happened to my 2016 resolutions?
Knit four pairs of socks
Oops. I'm the world's slowest knitter, but I did manage three, with a fourth pair on the needles!
I made a plain vanilla pair, with Knitpicks Felici in the Baker Street colourway, a semi-plain vanilla pair with Knitpicks Felici in the (I think...) Tea Party colourway, and (pictured above) an adaptation of BFF Socks with Stranded Dyeworks yarn in the Feathered colourway.
Knit the Seashore jumper
Yeah... That didn't go to plan. I knitted about 5 inches and then swiftly moved on. It's in the WIP pile, waiting for a spike in my knitting mojo...
Tour de Fleece 2016
Yeah baby! Did this one, and did it well. Spun a lot of thick and chunky yarns this year.
Launch the Spindles & Stitches shop
I did this! And I'm so happy about it. There's a link on the homepage if you'd like to flick through what's on offer.
Buy a blending board
Not only did I meet this goal, I BEAT this goal - I made a blending board myself :)
Knit at least one item with handspun yarn
Okay, okay, I don't have any handspun FOs.. BUT - I'm knitting a Penguono and I've used handspun yarn there, and I also made some wall weavings with handspun yarn. So, if you ask me, I can totally tick this one off.
And then, there's things that I didn't even think I'd get to do, that happened this year! I joined a weaving workshop, I took part in my first craft show (more on this later), I took part in a few rounds of Fibreshare, and I encouraged a little boy to take up knitting.
I would say that 2016 was a fantastic year!
Now, what does 2017 hold?
My resolutions for the coming year:
- Knit four pairs of socks (yes, I will do it this year!)
- Finish my Penguono
- Attend a craft show like Wonderwool/Fibre East/Unravel/Yarndale
- Start selling my handmade drop spindles
- Start teaching spinning workshops
- Knit a shawl
Let's see how it goes...